Blog Award...
Today I had a pleasant surprise when I got on my blog. I found out I was awarded a Blog Award from Dawn Mercedes Amusing Musings & Things . This week has been the best. Thank you Dawn for Brightening my day!!!RULES:
I have to pick 7 of my favorite blogs and…
1. The winner can put the logo on their blog
2. Link the person you received your award from
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls or boys you’ve nominated.
So here I go:
#1 The karma Garage
I love vals blog because I get to hear her Sing and she has some insightful posts.
#2 Ashleys creative corner
I always enjoy browsing Ashleys Blog. she's so very talented
#3 Chick n scratch
This lady always has a ton of Tutorials and I have gotten so many ideas from her. You're A great Talent.
#4 Just give me stamps
Is an amazing talent.
# 5 Freckled fun
is fun and talented.
#6 Mothers little Helper
A talented lady
and # 7 is: can you say addicted to stamps
YES!!! I'm right there with you Jessica. You're a super talent.
Thanks for stopping by have a great day!!
Thank you so much!! I really appreciate this!! I am TERRIBLY behind right now, but I will try to get this up on my blog today!! Thanks for starting out my day just right!!